Management Support

Management Support

We provide support to our partners and customers in their projects, programmes as well as in their business development efforts. The support spans all steps from the field to the board rooms and covers the establishment, coordination, lean management and development phases: 

  • Business Intelligence & Marketing ; 
  • Strategy & Operations (data-driven): expansion / growth opportunities, Strategic Action Plans, value propositions, relevant partnerships, engagement of customers and early adopters, relationship management, management of sales processes, technical and financial offers, contracting, delivery and followup.
  • Projects, Programs & Partnerships design, coordination / management, review, evaluation and development / outcome maximization on all applicable aspects: strategic ; technical ; financial ; contractual (MOUs, NDAs, agreements, contracts, IP and Technology Transfer) ; internal / external teams, resources and interfaces ; Performance and Quality Management... ;
  • Technology, Product and Service Development, R&D and Innovation : VOC (Voice Of the Customer) analysis, requirements' definition, SOTA analyses and Beyond (State Of The Art), development Roadmaps, hardware and software development, commissioning, predictive and corrective maintenance and upgrades.
  • Sustainable Fund sourcing and management : Grants, Investments and M&A ;
  • Reporting and documentation ; training and mentorship, evaluation and promotion, Knowledge Transfer, dissemination, outreach and communications : strategic, scientific, financial and contractual editing, proofreading, translations and presentations. 
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